Where dont the JWs get money from?? We used to pay for literature when we collected it from the desk, we would accept donations for it out in the field service and put that in the donation box too. Double the money for one piece of literature. When we picked up any books the book servant would gesture at the price list just to remind us of the expense incurred by the congregation.
We would have constant reminders at the meetings and conventions and assemblies of the need to be generous, things need to be paid for.
They always say that there is no collection but who cannot miss the donation boxes that are placed in prominent places just waiting for your generous contributions, not just one box either, one for the world wide work, one for the kingdom hall fund, one for the new assembly hall fund, one for the disaster fund, one for the upcoming COs visit (that one used to really irk me....).
And now they have their 32 page brochure on how to donate, not content with their reminders from the platform and the regular items in the magazines on 'Jehovah Loves a Cheerful Giver', now they have a whole piece of literature devoted to the subject. Retirement funds, loans, gifts, plans, donations of shares and stocks, stamp collections, jewellery, property, they want it all. And as I remember reading once in the WT 'not giving of yourself fully in a financial way is tantamount to robbing God'. Talk about emotional blackmail.